
This site is under development, please do not take it seriously yet.

As I no longer practice my writing skills by doing essays for homework, I feel my ability to express my opinions in a sufficiently illustrative (and pleasurably ornate) way has gotten significantly worse (this claim is supported e.g. by my having written “has gotten significantly worse” instead of “has gone astray; onto the path paved by decline” or something similar (albeit that might be just a tad too dramatic (I wonder, are nested parentheses a sign of bad writing skills?))). So, anyway, I’ve decided to once in a while try to write down my thoughts on some topics which are of importance to me. In order to force myself to write them well, I’ll publish them on this blog. And since I doubt the insides of the mind of a weird teenage girl are of interest to the general public1, I will not publish them on the blog’s frontpage, but instead dedicate a category “thoughts” to it.2

  1. yes, I know this blog is not known by the general public — what I mean by that term is any random visitor who isn’t here because of interest in my thoughts 

  2. Since currently this site’s navigation sucks, for now the category is well-hidden (to the benefit of the aforementioned random visitors, presumably). I am planning to fix navigation (and a lot of other things) some day.